
Wa’tkwanonhwerá:ton (My mind greets all of yours)! 

Here we go! Anyone that knows me well knows that despite the organizing and community work I engage in, I am a private person. It was not an easy decision for me to start this site but I feel it is important for me to stay connected, to share experiences and ensure I am responsible for the words, actions and movements I am a part of. I have a tendency as an introvert to be very active in community for a period of time and then retreat (or disappear) for a while. This is my way of keeping one foot (or paw) outside in the world. I am reminded of “A Conversation with Ellen Katsitsakwas Gabriel“, an event we hosted in 2017 when I coordinated “First Voices Week” at Concordia University. Katsitsakwas described herself as an ‘introvert with an incredible sense of justice’ which resonated with me as well. I would describe myself in the same way, so please be patient as I find a balance between my sense of self (when I want to hide from the world) and my sense of justice (when I am compelled to throw myself out into the world and walk about).

~ In the Spirit of Peace & Friendship,

Wahéhshon (She Walks About)

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