#SheWalksAbout Weight Loss Journey

I started my first Instagram account @SheWalksAboutNDN motivated by my recent weight loss and my ongoing fight for my health. Of course I post the usual but it’s less personal than my FB (which I reserve for folks I actually know) and less political/academic than some of the stuff I share on Twitter @SheWalksAbout.

I am already getting a lot of questions and comments about my weight loss success. First off, I have #lostover40pounds over the past ten months (woot woot!!). No surgeries, no calorie counting and nothing too crazy or difficult. I have always struggled with my weight but I have loved being a curvy thick and confident woman! What motivated this change was my health. A factor in my ongoing health issues is polycycstic ovarian disease (#pcos), something to talk about later on.

Over the past few years, I haven’t felt like myself. My energy was low, I had brain fog (not a good thing as a university student). I generally felt crappy. About this time last year, the fatigue was bad I knew something was wrong. Long story short, I was diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It’s a good thing I’m not much of a drinker or I’d be in real trouble! On top of that, I have multiple non-specific liver and kidney lesions (tumors and cysts). Luckily, they don’t seem to be cancerous at this point but the doctors are watching things closely. My liver has not been functioning well but it can be healed!!!

Every six months, I get an MRI with liver and kidney function tests to monitor things. I had my first six-month check up in March. By that point, I had lost 20 pounds and starting eating a liver friendly diet but there was no change. My doctor told me I would have to lose a drastic amount of weight to start seeing improvements in my liver and overall health. Since April when I got the results, I have been dead set on making this happen on my own terms.

There’s a lot to share and I’ll do it in steps over time. I know, I know, it’s all a little tmi and I like my privacy. I decided to open up about this because I struggled my whole life with these issues so I figured someone else out there is struggling too. The short posts, updates, and pics will be on Instagram @SheWalksAboutNDN. Longer posts and info will be shared here. A lot of people have sent me private messages saying I have inspired them to fight for their health and to lose weight too. Niawenhkó:wa to you all! In many ways I feel like I am fighting for my life and the healthy future that I want. So far I am #winning.

Here’s to your health (& mine)!

~ Wahéhshon (She Walks About)

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