WSCLA Conference (McGill University)

My colleague Kahtehrón:ni Stacey and I were honoured to be invited to co-present at the Workshop on Structure & Consistency in Languages of the America’s (WSCLA) conference at McGill University on Friday April 28, 2023. Our talk featured our family stories, personal language learning journeys, and a recap of the efforts made in Kahnawà:ke in language reclamation for over fifty years.

REFLECTION, RESISTANCE, & RESILIENCE: The past, present, and future of Indigenous language reclamation efforts in Kahnawà:ke

I am presently in the analysis stage of my doctoral research. I briefly discussed one of the themes that I am exploring in my research, language – which includes: language loss/shift as a result of Indian Day Schools, impacts of Indian Day Schools on language & cultural identity transmission, and language reclamation as a healing process from multigenerational trauma.

Kahtehrón:ni spoke about her important work exploring new pedagogical tools for advanced second language learners, specifically Haudenosaunee women. This included a structural approach (lexical expansion & grammar refinement) and a communicative approach (kin focused communication & oral tradition). This is a promising and exciting framework for Rotinonhsión:ni advanced language pedagogy!

Niawenhkó:wa to the organizers, student volunteers, and attendees. We had many great questions and discussion following our presentation. It was truly a pleasure to have so many community members and scholars engaged in discussions about Onkwehonwehnéha 🙂

*Photo courtesy of Professor Jessica Coon, Linguistics McGill University.

~ Wahéhshon

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