McGill Guest Lecture – Haudenosaunee Confederacy

Grateful for the opportunity to speak to a political science class at McGill University on Indigenous governance systems, specifically the Haudenosaunee (Rotinonhsión:ni) Confederacy. It was a pleasure to speak from my personal experience as a Kanien’kehá:ka woman. We had some issues with the internet during the lecture, appreciative of everyone’s patience and understanding. Niawen’kó:wa 🙂

On the history of the Confederacy:

Longhouse websites:



Podcasts (Indigenous content, not all necessarily Haudenosaunee)

Longhouse podcast:

Métis in Space, This Land, Media Indigena, Warrior Life, All my Relations, Coffee with my ma

Scholars & Writers

šLinda Sunseri Being Again of One Mind

šKahente Horn-Miller

šAlicia Elliott, A Mind Spread on the Ground

šAudra Simpson, Mohawk Interruptus

šTom Porter, And Grandma Said…

šSusan Hill, The Clay We’re Made of

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