It’s not easy to open up about these difficult topics, despite the years that I have worked in this field. It’s also a personal challenge for me to engage with the public on this level in such a vulnerable way but I hope that ultimately these stories will impact others that way they have impacted me. I’m thankful for the invitation and to the co-hosts for engaging with me in such a deeply personal way about this important piece of our community’s history.
My colleague Kahtehrón:ni Iris Stacey and I were invited to do a workshop at the Language Policy Planning conference at McGill University today – August 25, 2022.
This was the first hybrid conference presentation that I participated in. Fortunately, the conference was well organized and the folks on hand managed the technical side of things. The title of the workshop was:
Language policy, activism & strategic planning:over fifty years of Indigenous language reclamation efforts in Kahnawà:ke
Our talk including the following key things:
Our backgrounds and community
An overview of our doctoral research
Sharing our learning journey (as second-second language learners of Kanien’kéha)
A brief history of language reclamation efforts in Kahnawà:ke
Language revitalization projects at the Kahnawà:ke Education Center that we have worked on (Skátne Enionkwaio’ten & NEȾOLṈEW̱)
We appreciated how enthusiastic and engaged participants were with what we shared. We were surprised to be presented with generous gifts at the end. This was definitely one of my favorite speaking events this year.
Niawenhkó:wa to Mela & her team for inviting us and for treating us with great care and respect.
I have done many presentations, guest lectures, and conferences over the years as a scholar and activist. Yesterday was the first time that I was invited to join a writer’s room (virtually) for a Canadian television series. I appreciate the efforts of these creators and writers to be inclusive of Indigenous voices & realities. This particular episode coincides with my area of expertise, Indigenous education & Indian Day Schools.
I can’t wait for this episode to air!
Wahéhshon Whitebean, guest talk in the writer’s room